Let's do this thing called "life" together.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What every mother doesn't want to hear.

As I picked up my son from Kindergarten this morning, I asked the usual, "How was your day Bub?". He replied with an enthusiastic "good!". I asked him what was so good about it (suprised at his unusual enthusiam) and his answer will forever be etched in my heart. He exclaimed, "I made an airplane!" I looked in the rearview mirror as he proudly held up his creation. I asked him who taught him to make such a neat airplane and he told me his teacher did. "Wow!" I said, as I continued driving home. But he wasn't done.

He piped up, "and we learned about the Navy too! And airplanes and how they fight battles and use cannons!" I wasn't suprised at his excitement, he has always been a boy in love with all things that shoot. I was the kind of mom that was bound and determined to ban guns in my home....no violence=sweet, loving, kind boys. Well, after my son began turning anything and everything into a gun (including the vaccum cleaner) I relented and allowed toy guns.

Then he said boldly, "that's what I'm gonna do." My heart skipped a beat. Did he really just say what I fear most as a mom? Don't get me wrong, I respect ALL men and women who have sacrificed so much to ensure my family's freedom. I appreciate them and honor their courage. But, my baby? My son? This was a moment of truth for me: I could say, "that's nice buddy, but what about being a doctor or lawyer?", or "I know how exciting that sounds, but what about all the danger?" But I didn't. I looked in the rearview mirror and said, "you know what buddy? If you were in the airforce, I would be so proud of you." Immediately my heart screamed, "what are you doing! Don't give him your consent!" But at the same moment I knew I chose the right answer.

I would love to wrap my kids in bubble wrap and send them on their merry way. I know that I can't. I realized something today: I can't control their desires, their intrests, or their abilities. Yes, I may be able to steer them in a general direction but I would never (nor would I want to) be able to say, "when you grow up I want you to be _____________". God has knitted my son together and given him gifts and abilities for a particular reason. I would never want to stand in the way of that.

I know that you are reading this and thinking, "he is six, he'll want to be a firefighter tomorrow and a dog the next day!" I get that, and I will be ok with whatever he chooses (well, maybe not the dog thing). My job as his momma is to love the tar out of him and make sure he knows that I believe in him no matter what he chooses. And if he does decide to go into the airforce I will say, "you go and do your thing Buddy!" and you better believe I will be praying my socks off.

Until next time....


  1. Since I am not his momma, can I ask him if he'd rather be a doctor or lawyer??? Can I? Can I??? I think he would be a amazing military man! I also think he will be a great man after God's own heart!

  2. Sara ~ You NEED to write that book! As I was reading this I thought to myself, "I admire this author's ability to share their thoughts so eloquently! I would love to be able to acquire this skill!" With a mom like you there won't be anything your son won't be able to attempt when he puts his mind to it! I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . . . . . YOU ARE AWESOME!

  3. Sara, you are the sweetest mama!!! I love it!!! I love how you are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit speaking to you and molding you. I miss you!!

  4. Great post Sara! So glad you decided to start a blog! I look forward to reading more!

  5. Yay!!! Love to see you're putting down all these crazy ramblings we get as Moms!!!

    I'll be following!!!
