Let's do this thing called "life" together.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Playing in the Rain

As I sit here, I can hear the make believe banter of two 4 year olds as they play outside. It is a wonderful sound for a few reasons: first, they are outside! (I'm a mom of four, I don't have time to lie :) and secondly, they are being boys. God did something pretty special when he created boys. From the womb they are born, with a mysterious ability to turn any object into a weapon, they love to puff out their chest and act tough, and they love their momma something fierce and are willing to do ANYTHING to protect her. Those are just some of their qualities that set them apart from us girls. Did I mention that the boys are currently playing in the rain? You see, it has been raining for two days now and to a four year old, that is eternity. So when they came to me asking if they could go outside and play I couldn't bare to tell them no. So I let them play in the rain.

As I was washing dishes and watching them from the window above my sink, I was reflecting on the truth of that. How many of us have had a season of rain in our lives? It might of been a downpour and then it was over in just a few short minutes, it could have been a day and the sun was back out the next day, or it is still steadily raining today. For me, I have gone through times of depression when I feel like I will never have another sunny day again. Others have lost loved ones and go through a time when the sunny days can quickly become cloudy with a thought or a memory of the person lost. Those who are suffering from long-term illnesses hope and pray that the rain will stop and the sun will peak through the clouds. Broken relationships, financial hard times, children going astray; we've all been there.

What if we chose to play in the rain? Don't get me wrong, it doesn't sound very fun at first. Your clothes get soaked, you can get muddy, your bicycle seat is wet, etc. But as I watched the boys play outside I realized that sometimes you need to get a little wet to have fun in the rain. They are soaked from head to toe but that isn't stopping them from playing in the sandbox or swings. They are riding their bicycles and jumping in the water puddles. They are having fun. Right in the middle of a rainy day, they are having a blast.

If you are going through a tough time right now, look for water puddles that are blessings in disguise. Look for ways to have fun, reconnect with a loved one or your Father, take time for rest and relaxation. Enjoy a cup of coffee, or a good book. Or literally go for a walk in the rain! You may see that it makes those rainy days not so rainy anymore. And like all seasons of life, the rain will be gone and in it's place, the sun will be shining bright.

Keagen and Drew playing in the water puddle.

Until next time...