Let's do this thing called "life" together.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cue the Contented Sigh

I did something today that I don't get to do very often. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was able to do such a thing.

I made myself a cup of coffee, cozied up on my couch and watched a movie....ALONE! I know crazy, right?! I had planned on watching the movie with my little ones (something else I rarely do during the day) but my son had already seen the movie I wanted to watch and opted to watch the one he picked out upstairs in our landing. The rest followed suit. So, I was left with the life or death question: "do I still watch the movie or clean the house?" I thought to myself, "I'm gonna go for it!" So I did what every mother does from time to time; I raced into the kitchen, made myself a cup of coffee and practically flung myself onto the couch before they could change their minds.

Don't get me wrong, I would have enjoyed watching the movie with my kids a lot. But there is just something special about having a whole 1 1/2 hours to yourself. Granted, it was Toy Story 3....still fun, granted I had a few interruptions from time to time....still fun, granted my floors didn't get swept and mopped today.....STILL FUN!

I think as parents we need to allow ourselves some down time. As a mom of 4 kids, I rarely get a moment to myself...yes, I'm even talking about the bathroom! I know you know what I'm talkin' about! If I don't take some time every once in awhile to breath (sigh), sit (sigh), and relax (double sigh), I could be running on fumes before the last kid gets tucked in on Monday! After my movie I was energized, ready to sweep the whole house...ah who am I kidding? I'm blogging right now! Don't worry, I'll get to the floors and maybe even some laundry too.

I will leave you with a challenge today: do something fun for yourself! Read a chapter in a book you've been meaning to read, take a walk alone, or maybe even cozy up on YOUR couch with a cup of coffee and watch good movie. Ya never know, it could be just the thing you need to finish out your day strong.

Until next time...


  1. So glad you got a little downtime today!! I totally agree that alone time is needed!! Have a good one, girl!!

  2. Good Job! I am so proud of you. Now...how does one accomplish such a thing with a 6 month old who adores his mommy? Any advice?
