Let's do this thing called "life" together.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Fun of Dutch Blitz: Something You've Gotta Experience!

New Year's Eve was a blast. Every year, my husband and I have a group of family and friends over to eat and play games. We always have a white elephant exchange in which we bring gifts that we got for Christmas that we might not necessarily like or use. It's always a riot. This year we also had a dance off which was hilarious and way too much fun. After that, we broke up into two groups and played games. A couple weeks ago, some friends introduced us to a card game called Dutch Blitz. If you don't have it, you need to get it. It is sooo fun (see, I am doing it again!) Since we've played it at their house, we have purchased the game for our own house and have taught several other friends how to play (including people at our New Year's bash). It's almost become an epidemic at our house. Even our two daughters have learned and play every day. I ask people if they've ever played before and tell them all about it if they haven't (which most people have never heard of the game, let alone play it.) Sounds pretty obsessive right? Maybe it's just how I'm wired but I get like that whenever I experience something new and fun....and life changing. I want the whole world to know about it!

Ok, you got me. I'm not talking about card games anymore. There's something else that is so much cooler then Dutch Blitz. His name is Jesus. Once you have Him, there's no going back. Nothing else compares quite frankly. Ever since I met Him, I am more alive, more free, FORGIVEN, loved, and cherished. My life has purpose and meaning. I am strengthened and empowered. I have joy and a peace that goes beyond any understanding. When you experience all that you can't help but want others to experience it too.

I think sometimes Christians get a bad reputation for being Bible Thumpers and only interested in saving souls. Which is true in some way...I do love my Bible and I do want you to be in heaven with me. BUT, more than that, I want you to know what love really feels like; what it feels like to be truly satisfied and content with where you are in life. I want you to experience joy amidst trials and suffering. I want you to have the strength to forgive when you've been wronged. I want you to feel His guidance as you walk through this life. I want you to know how awesome it feels to have purpose and meaning. I want you to know Jesus.

Life with Jesus isn't always fun and games. It is downright hard. Just like Dutch Blitz, you have good rounds and not so good rounds. I still go through trials. I have days when I am discouraged and feel rather depressed. But that is life. We were never promised that our lives would be perfect. In fact, we were promised the opposite so that we may persevere and grow in the faith (but that is another blog for another time). With that said, if we are going to go through hard times in this life wouldn't you want to have Someone to go through those times with you? And unlike Dutch Blitz when you win games and lose others, with Jesus, you win every time. As a competitive person, I like those odds.

With that said, I urge you to get to know Him a little better. If you don't know Him at all, try talking to Him. Try to figure out who this Jesus guy is and why He's so special. I dare you. I promise that you will not walk away empty handed or with an empty heart. You will walk away full of life if you give Him yours. This would be a perfect time for me to say "as the new year begins, make it a resolution to know Jesus as your Saviour," but I don't believe in resolutions. Resolutions are made to be broken. Instead, I am going to challenge you to grow. Grow in your faith, and if you have faith already, grow in maturity. This life isn't meant to be lived by just going through the motions. There's so much more than that and part of the fun, is figuring out what that is.

Oh yeah, and if you haven't played Dutch Blitz, try it out! (I had to do it :)

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